COMING SOON - Corporate - Classes on Demand
Hello everyone
We are a new organization focusing on legal professionals such as law clerks and articling students. We bring you the practical learning into education. We are providing in one package multiple episodes of the necessary practical learning of the corporate legal field. This includes step by step going through softwares such as Fast Company and PC Law and all integrations and issues that are common to arrise when working in a corporate law firm.
Please be advised that the corporate classes on demand will be made available as of August 25 2020. The first 50 Applicants to register for the Corporate Classes on Demand will recieve the sale price of $300.00. Remaining purchases will continue at regular cost at $400.00.
We look forward to introducing our practical experience with educational web classes. We aim to provide information that will help you excel when entering the law firm the first time.
Should you be interested in this Corporate Class in Demand please email us of your interest and we will respond to you confirming your interest.
We shall follow up with you shortly before the release date, as stated above and proceed with the next step of purchasing the classes in demand.